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About Sarah Cavanaugh

"Elegant, direct, surprising, sobering, hilarious, and heart rending...Sarah touched on all of it with grace and clarity."

- Lisa F.

Meet Sarah

Like many of us, there was a time when I did not have the language or ability to hold a conversation with anyone about grief, dying, and death. Born into a family steeped in the sorrow of losing a child — the brother I never met — I grew up in an environment where death and grief were not discussed. This early experience gave me a profound understanding of the psychological and physiological impact of unprocessed grief.

I also know firsthand the complexities and emotional toll of navigating death within the confines of the medical establishment. When my mother was dying from cancer in 2002, the experience was marked by aggressive treatments and distance from loved ones. My geographical distance and pregnancy during my mother's final months deeply influenced my perspective on discussing end-of-life choices. I was unable to ask my mother what she wanted at the end of her life. Feeling compelled to address these traditionally taboo topics openly before it is too late, I grappled with uncertainty about when and how to broach the subject.

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Susan was an 82-year-old woman I met at a workshop we were both attending, who quietly confided to me during break, “I am still working full time, and I have no plan for retirement or the end of my life.” I responded, “Let’s figure it out!” and we took the initiative together to create a means to do so. Together, with a group of curious friends the conversation began and Peaceful Exit was born.

Facilitating conversations over the past several years has affirmed my belief that talking about death deepens our relationships. It also alleviates the natural human fear of mortality and cultivates acceptance and peace. As a speaker, podcast host, and co-host of an online course, I provide a platform for open dialogue about life and death and the steps to take to prepare yourself as an act of service to those you love.

Through our Peaceful Exit podcast, I engage in conversations with authors and creatives who delve into fascinating subjects ranging from awe to forgiveness to brain science. Peaceful Exit interrupts the stigma in our communities around this universal human experience. These episodes provide another springboard for shared learning.

My forthcoming book will give readers the questions and tools to explore grief and loss, and how to imagine a peaceful exit for themselves and their loved ones. This work underscores the importance of having agency in our lives to articulate and ask for what we want before we are unable to communicate. We empower individuals to take control of their end-of-life decisions and financial independence, often using humor to overcome barriers in discussing this off-limits topic.

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Peaceful Exit opens a dialogue of discovery about death that frees up your energy and cultivates peace of mind so that you are able to articulate your wishes for your end of life. And, in doing so, you will be part of transforming the conversation about death in this culture.

If you're curious to explore what a peaceful exit means to you, contact me to schedule a free consultation.

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